European Utility Week 2015 is a wrap!

Back to the office after a great, highly useful week in Vienna!
We heard it many times during European Utility Week 2015: “Energyworx really grabbed my attention at the Exhibition in Vienna”. We worked hard on our messaging this year and were able to more effectively communicate our value proposition. Since last year, we have witnessed firsthand the innovation driving changes in the electricity sector. New business models are disrupting the utility sector irrevocably, and the leaders within these companies know better than ever that it is crucial to utilize software service providers like Energyworx.

Our most popular use case discussed was Meter Data Management. Energyworx’ three-phase approach to MDM impressed many who were struggling to make their data visible and insightful. The main takeaways from our conversations:

  1. Gather: Remove the complexity around data collection
  2. Crunch: Process the data without limitations
  3. Use: Make the data available to other departments

Matthew Ross presenting MDM to the EUW audience:

Since countries like Finland and Italy are leading the European smart meter roll-out, we noticed they were on the lookout for infinitely scalable, high performing Software as a Service platforms for their data-intense operations. We look forward to continuing these conversations with the many great people and companies we met at European Utility Week!

Read the original article here on Engerati – the smart energy network!

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